BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About document properties > Creating, editing, and deleting document life cycles > Configuring an approval life cycle

Configuring an approval life cycle

An approval life cycle is one in which a document can only have one version in a configurable approved status at one time. Hence, when a new revision of a document is assigned the approved status, the current approved revision is automatically assigned to a configurable expired status. Also, if a document is using an approval life cycle, it can not be assigned to the approved status if any of its subdocuments are not also in the approved status.

An approval life cycle is configured by specifying the approved and expired statuses for an existing life cycle.

To configure an approval life cycle:

  1. Create and save a life cycle as described in Creating, editing, and deleting document life cycles that includes approved and expired statuses.
  2. Edit the properties of the life cycle as described in Creating, editing, and deleting document life cycles.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Approval life cycle options
Option Description

Approved status

Select a status that has a transition that ends in the status selected for Expired status.

Expired status

Select a status to assign to the prior revisions of documents assigned to the status selected for Approved status.

Initial status

Select the initial status of the life cycle.

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